Private Agreement Child Support Nz

Private Agreement Child Support NZ: What You Need to Know

Child support is a vital aspect of ensuring the welfare of children in New Zealand. According to the law, both parents are responsible for financially supporting their children, even if they are separated or divorced. While the amount of child support is generally determined by the court, parents also have the option to reach a private agreement regarding child support.

What is a Private Agreement Child Support?

A private agreement child support is an agreement between both parents that determines the financial support that one parent will provide to the other parent for the care and upbringing of their child or children. This type of agreement is made outside of the court system and can be a more flexible and cost-effective alternative to a court-ordered child support agreement.

How does Private Agreement Child Support work?

The parents themselves determine the terms of a private agreement child support. These terms can include the amount of support, the frequency of payments, and any other provisions such as shared expenses, health insurance, or extracurricular activities. Once the agreement is made, it is a legally binding contract between both parties.

It is important to note that a private agreement child support does not replace a court-ordered child support agreement. If a private agreement is made, it does not mean that the court will no longer have jurisdiction over child support matters. However, if both parties are abiding by the agreement, the court may be less likely to intervene.

Why Choose Private Agreement Child Support?

There are several reasons why parents may choose a private agreement child support over a court-ordered agreement. One of the main reasons is flexibility. With a private agreement, parents have the ability to tailor the agreement to their individual needs and circumstances. This can include considering the child`s unique needs, such as medical or educational expenses.

Another benefit of a private agreement child support is savings. Going through the court system can be time-consuming and expensive. A private agreement can save parents legal fees and reduce the time spent in court.

Tips for Creating a Private Agreement Child Support

When creating a private agreement child support, it is important to consider the following factors:

1. Communication: Both parents need to be open and honest about their financial situations and the needs of their child.

2. Be Specific: The agreement should clearly state the amount of support and how it will be paid. It should also include provisions for shared expenses, health insurance, and extracurricular activities.

3. Seek Legal Advice: It is always recommended to seek legal advice before making any child support agreements to ensure that the agreement is fair and binding.

4. Review and Revise: It is important to review and revise the agreement periodically to ensure that it is still appropriate for the child`s needs.


Private agreement child support can provide a flexible and cost-effective option for parents who are looking to determine financial support for their children. It is important to keep in mind that a private agreement does not replace a court-ordered agreement, and seeking legal advice is recommended before making any agreements. With clear communication, specificity, and legal guidance, a private agreement child support can be a beneficial alternative for both parents and children.

Data opublikowania: 13:59, 19 września 2022

Kategorie: Bez kategorii