Breach of Contract Vs. Copyright Infringement

Breach of Contract vs. Copyright Infringement: Understanding the Differences

As a writer, artist, or creative professional, it’s important to protect your intellectual property and ensure that your work is used in accordance with legal guidelines. Two common legal issues that can arise in this context are breach of contract and copyright infringement. While they may seem similar, it’s important to understand the differences between these two concepts and how they apply to your work.

Breach of Contract

A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill the terms of a legally binding agreement. In the context of creative work, this can mean that someone has not followed through on a promise to compensate you for use of your work, or has failed to adhere to other contractual terms related to the use of your intellectual property.

For example, let’s say that you are a freelance writer who has been contracted by a website to produce a series of articles. The contract specifies that you will be paid a certain amount per article, and that the website will have the right to publish the articles on their site for a specified period of time. If you submit the articles as agreed, but the website fails to pay you for your work, this would be a breach of contract.

In this scenario, your remedy for the breach of contract would likely involve seeking payment for your work, as well as potentially terminating the contract and seeking damages for any harm caused by the breach.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement, on the other hand, occurs when someone uses your creative work without your permission or in violation of the terms of a license or other agreement. This can include unauthorized reproductions, adaptations, or public performances of your work.

For example, let’s say that you are a photographer who has licensed one of your images to a magazine for use in a print advertisement. If the magazine then uses the same image in an online advertisement without obtaining additional permission or paying you for the additional use, this would be copyright infringement.

In this scenario, your remedy for the copyright infringement would likely involve seeking damages for the unauthorized use of your image, as well as potentially seeking an injunction to prevent further unauthorized use.

Key Differences

While breach of contract and copyright infringement can both involve unauthorized use or exploitation of your intellectual property, there are some key differences between these two concepts.

First, breach of contract is a violation of a specific agreement or contract, while copyright infringement involves a violation of your legal rights as the creator or owner of the work. In other words, while a breach of contract might involve a failure to fulfill a specific obligation related to the use of your work, copyright infringement involves the unauthorized use or exploitation of your work without your permission.

Second, the remedies for breach of contract and copyright infringement can be quite different. With breach of contract, your focus will usually be on seeking compensation or other remedies specifically related to the contract in question, while with copyright infringement, you may be able to seek damages, injunctions, and other remedies related to the unauthorized use or exploitation of your work more broadly.


As a creative professional, it’s crucial to understand your legal rights and options when it comes to protecting your intellectual property. By understanding the differences between breach of contract and copyright infringement, you can take steps to protect yourself and your work, and ensure that you are compensated fairly for your contributions to the creative world.

Data opublikowania: 15:46, 11 czerwca 2022

Kategorie: Bez kategorii